Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Place Branding Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Place Branding - Research Proposal Example As a consumer, one gets to come across several brand names as part of our daily lives. Names such as Microsoft, Coca-cola, Mercedes, and Harvard have all become ingrained in our minds as popular entities in their respective domains. Much of the effort driven towards popularizing these brand names have been successful largely through strategically conceived efforts, which also symbolizes the leadership positions that these brand names occupy at a global level. In the modern day, governments across the world have begun to look at branding and its associated marketing techniques as a means to market and sell their geographical regions to the rest of the world whereby the emphasis is concentrated on enhancing the international profile with an intent to attract more investment from foreign players and make such regions popular as economic powerhouses for commerce, trade, and tourism (Malcolm Allan, 2005). In a similar way, the government of the Republic of Nigeria is in the process of initiating several campaigns that aim to popularize the country and its image to people and companies across the world. part of this effort has been due to the rising awareness amongst a few African nations such as South Africa and Uganda to market themselves across the world (Eugene Jaffe, 2006). In accordance with this policy, the Nigerian government, through its ministry of Information and National Orientation has launched programmes such as the ‘The Heart of Africa’ project, which is based on the concept of Place Branding. The proposed research study will attempt to study the various initiatives undertaken by the Nigerian government along the lines of ‘Place Branding’ and will work towards studying them in the form of a case study. The above discussion clearly divides branding into two classes namely product branding and place branding.  In comparison to the former, the latter is still a burgeoning discipline and most of the literature that describes place branding is still in a loosely embedded format.  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Music Study Guide Essay Example for Free

Music Study Guide Essay Music is an art based on the organization of sounds in time. Also the universal language of man or something who knows Pitch is the relative highness or lowness that we hear in a sound Tone is a sound that has a definite pitch Interval is the distance in a pitch between any two tones Tones are separated by an interval called the octave Tones have a specific frequency in music Pitch range is the distance between the lowest and highest tones that a voice or instrument can produce Range of an untrained voice is between 1 and 2 octaves Dynamics are degrees of loudness or softness in music Loudness is related to the amplitude of the vibration that produces the sound Accent is an emphasis of a note Instrument may be defined as any mechanism that produces musical sound Register is the part of the tonal range of an instrument or voice Pizzicato- plucked string Double stop- two notes at once Vibrato- rocking the left hand while pressing down with the other. Throbbing expressive tone that causes small pitch fluctuations that make the tone warmer Mute- a clamp that veils or muffles that tone Tremolo- rapidly repeats tones by quick up-and-down strokes of the bow Harmonics- Very high pitched tones are produced when the musician lightly touches certain points on a string Woodwinds have little holes along their length that are opened and closed by the fingers or pads controlled by a key mechanism Flutes and piccolos are played by blowing across the edge of a mouth hole Recorders are played by blowing through a whistle mouthpiece Single-reed woodwinds are played by fastening a reed over a hole in the mouthpiece that vibrates when the player blows over it (ex- clarinet, bass clarinet, saxophone) Double-reed woodwinds use two narrow pieces of cane that are held between the musician’s lips (ex- English horn, contrabassoon, bassoon) Bass instruments are played by the musician blowing into a cup- or funnel-shaped mouthpiece (vibrations of bass instruments come from their lips) Pitch of brass instrument is regulated by varying lip tension and by using slides and valves Mutes alter the tone color of bass instruments When a pianist’s finger strikes a key, a felt-covered hammer swings up against a string (greater the force on the key, more powerful the hammer’s blow, louder the tone produced) Damper comes down on the string to stop the vibrations when the pianist lets go of the key Damper pedal is the most important pedal, allows a pianist to sustain tones Una corda pedal, on the left, veils the sound Sostenuto pedal, in the middle, allows the pianist to sustain some tones without sustaining others Harpsichord has strings that are plucked. Controlled by one or two keyboards. Pipe organ has many sets of pipes controlled by several keyboards, including a pedal keyboard played the organist’s feet Tape studio was the main tool of composers of electronic music during the 1950s Synthesizers are systems of electronic components that generate, modify, and control sound Analog Synthesis is based on representing data in terms of measurable physical quantities Digital frequency modulation synthesis is based on representing physical quantities as numbers Sampling involves placing brief digital recordings of live sounds under the control of a synthesizer keyboard Instrument Digital interface (MIDI) is a standard adopted by manufacturers for interfacing synthesizer equipment Consonance is a tone combination that is stable. They are points of arrival, rest, and resolution. Dissonance is a tone combination that is unstable. Its tension demands an onward motion to a stable chord Dissonance has its resolution when it moves to a consonance The Middle Ages The Middle Ages spanned from 450-1450 Most important musicians were priests Church officials required monks to sing with proper pronunciation, concentration, and tone quality Church frowned upon instruments because of their earlier role in pagan rites Gregorian chant is a melody set to sacred Latin texts and sung w/o accompaniment Gregorian chant is monophonic in texture, its rhythm is flexible, w/o, and has little sense of beat. The melodies tended to move by step within a narrow range of pitches. Used church modes as a scale. The Renaissance The Renaissance spanned from 1450-1600 The Renaissance mass is a polyphonic choral composition made up of the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei Baroque Baroque era spanned from 1600-1750 Baroque era used violins a lot. Organ and harpsichord where the main keyboard instruments Baroque suite is a set of dance-inspired movements. It is made up of movements that are all written in the same key but differ in tempo, meter, and character. Usually in A A B B French overture is a common Baroque suite opening. Short Answer Middle Ages (450-1450) Renaissance (1450-1600) Baroque (1600-1750) Classical (1750-1820) Romantic (1820-1900) Contemporary (1900-now) 3 Composers per period: Middle Ages- Hildegard of Bingen, Perotin, Francesco Landini Renaissance- Josquin Desprez, Thomas Morley, Giovanni Gabrieli Baroque- Johann Sebastian Bach, George Fredric Handel, Henry Purcell Italian dynamic markings: Pianissimoppvery soft Piano psoft Mezzo Pianompmoderately soft Mezzo fortemfmoderately loud Fortefloud Fortissimoffvery loud Orchestras contain string, woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. Symphonic bands contain brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments. Duple Meter- measure has two beats Triple Meter- measure has 3 beats Quadruple Meter- measure has 4 beats Gregorian chant is monophonic in texture, its rhythm is flexible, w/o, and has little sense of beat. The melodies tended to move by step within a narrow range of pitches. Used church modes as a scale. Polychoral Motet- motet for two or more choirs, often including groups of instruments Brandenburg Concerto No.5 in D Major (1721), by Johann Sebastian Bach. Ritornello form, duple meter. Used a string orchestra and a group of soloists consisting of a flute, violin, and a harpsichord. Essays Compare and contrast two periods of music that we’ve learned Middle Ages and Renaissance Compare: Musicians worked in churches. The church remained an important patron of music. Vocal music was more important the instrumental music. Both had sacred music(Gregorian chant, Renaissance mass). Both used church modes as their basic scale of music. The cantus firmus (Melody used as the basis of a polyphonic choral) was used in both periods. Contrast: Musical activity gradually shifted to the courts in the Ren. Musicians had higher statuses in the Ren. Ren music sounds fuller than MA music. Bass register was used for the first time in the Ren, expanding the pitch range to more than 4 octaves. Invention of the printing press widened the circulation of music, and the number of composers and performers increased in the Ren. Ren music was more about men rather than God. Instruments were used more often in the Ren. Composers were no longer content to remain unknown; in the Ren they wanted fame and recognition for their works. Bach’s contributions to the Baroque period Bach was the mack daddy of Baroque music. His works show an astounding mastery of harmony and counterpoint, and they are used as models by music students today. With his set of six Brandenburg Concerto’s, Bach brought immortality to a German aristocrat, the margrave of Brandenburg. In Concerto No.5, Bach uses a string orchestra and a group of soloists consisting of a flute, violin, and harpsichord. This was the first time a harpsichord was given a solo in a concerto grosso. The harpsichord’s solo at the end of the first movement is spectacular. His audience marveled at this brilliant harpsichord solo within a concerto grosso, and audiences today are still blown away by it. Bach wrote fugues that were the peak among works in the form. In his collections of preludes and fugues, The Well-Tempered Clavier, Back explored with unprecedented thoroughness systems of tuning instruments that enabled a composer to write in all 24 keys, even keys with many sharps and flats. Bach also composed what is probably the most monumental setting of the Roman Catholic mass (Mass in B Minor). It was too long to be performed in a mass, so Bach was just probably being a show-off. Bach wrote about 295 church cantatas. Cantata No. 140 is his most famous.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Movie Fight Club Essay -- Film Films Movies Movie Fight Club Essays

Movie Fight Club   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For the following analysis, I will be discussing the movie Fight Club’s two main characters. They are â€Å"Jack† played by Edward Norton, and Tyler Durden played by Brad Pitt. However the twist to the movie turns out that Jack and Tyler are the same person and Tyler is Jack’s real name. Tyler the character is everything that Jack the character is not. The story narration is provided by the protagonist of â€Å"Fight Club,† â€Å"Jack.† The ambivalent protagonist, who only refers to himself as â€Å"Jack.† An ambivalent protagonist, usually the main character, is someone the audience likes, but who possesses character flaws.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The character â€Å"Jack† is a character the audience will feel sympathy for and even come to like. However, it is obvious he has serious problems. â€Å"Jack’s† main problem, what the audience comes to find out, is his alter ego, Tyler Durden. â€Å"Jack† struggles to take control as he sees that Tyler’s acts of vandalism are wrong. However, he cannot stop himself until the very end. However, even before the character of Tyler Durden is introduced it is clear that â€Å"Jack† has personal problems; insomnia, discontent for his job, and a dependency on support groups. â€Å"Jack† is also faced with a moral dilemma as well as constantly being put into danger, another characteristic of the ambivalent protagonist. â€Å"Jack† has the personality of an obedient, yet not very outgoing man. He goes to work, comes home, and wants to simplify his life. He sets up his life as simply as possible. For example, he wears the same white shirt, black pants, and black tie everyday. Jack is a very subservient type of person. For example, he goes to meetings his boss doesn’t want to attend. He hates his job and he hates his life, however he thinks he is ok with the job and his life but is tired of doing the same thing everyday. It is important to see that â€Å"Jack† picks out items that would best represent the type of person he is such as the furniture in his house.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He is a gen-xer that has grown to the point of despair. He can not sleep. He has to have every little clever trinket that he sees. The only way he finds happiness is crashing support groups for those with terminal diseases. He says it is amazing how much people care when they think you are dying.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Durden on the other hand is a man with little scruples. He is not an evil man. He just wants to wa... ... he wanted to be all along and that he didn’t need to live through Tyler anymore. He had conquered the inner conflict of his boring life and by him seeing the credit card companies fall, he had realized that he had undergone the change he wanted to at last.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion the characters go hand-in-hand to the point where the resolve is Jack realizing that he truly had shaken the life he never wanted to be and become the â€Å"Tyler† he always wanted to be. It can be seen as though â€Å"Jack† was a boy being jealous and envious of another boy, â€Å"Tyler†. Tyler was the boy everyone wanted to be like. However, in the end, â€Å"Jack† grew up and took a little bit of â€Å"Tyler† with him, but did not let â€Å"Tyler† take control. The way he commanded at the end when he shot himself, by giving orders to the members and Marla was not something â€Å"Jack† would have done. This lets us know that the character of â€Å"Jack† has grown up and evolved on his way to becoming the complete and ideal character he wanted to be. As the story unfolds it brings these two seemingly opposite characters in a unique relationship, which resolves the movie in a very original way. The irony remains subtle, and is missed by most.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Comparison Between Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini Essay -- Nation

A Comparison Between Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini There is no doubt that Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini shared many similar characteristics. They shared movements that were typical of National Socialism: they adopted a radical nationalism, militaristic hierarchies, violence, the cult of charismatic leadership, contempt for individual liberties and civil rights, an anti-democratic and anti-socialist orientation, and a refusal to socialize industries. Hitler and Mussolini looked upon the new form of government, which was Totalitarianism. This form of government means there is only one leader to make decisions and thus they killed or jailed all opponents. Mussolini and Hitler used this form of government after World War One to make their countries into world powers. Perhaps the most obvious similarity would be the path they took to power. In parliament Hitler and Mussolini gathered small groups of followers they would use to bully voters, Hitler’s SS and SA and Mussolini’s Brown Shirts. The point of these behind these parties was that they both expressed what voters wanted to hear. They spoke of greater job opportunities and rejuvenation of their countries. Hitler and Mussolini used violent propaganda to increase social struggle everywhere in their countries. The polarization of the society produced by this violent behavior benefited the fascist parties. Both leaders used their political strength to impose conditions on their people. Both Hitler and Mussolini were finally given the opportunity to form a government and carried out their election promises. Their ruling of power came about to be so similar because of their similar roads to power. Here we see some differences in the way Hitler and Mussolini actually came to power. Mussolini encountered many forms of resistance and had to co-exist with other competitors for power, such as the Italian monarchy and rivals even inside his own party. Hitler proved very strong right from the beginning and he brought his plans very nearly to completion, controlling the party and the country much more thoroughly than Mussolini could. The goals of these two leaders were also very alike because of their fascist ideas. The keystone of the fascist political system was the leader: every person and every group, every lobby, lay beneath him on the same level. The Italian and German fascist movements tr... ...m agreement on religion. In Italy the Catholic Church exercised a strong influence on the people. In Italy the strong presence of Catholic religion and organizations influenced Mussolini’s policies concerning women. Although the fascist ideology intended to abolish class struggle by establishing a new corporative society, its ideas about the role of women in such a society remained very conservative. Hitler had similar beliefs about the role of women in a Nazi society but he never tried to force them to stay home, indeed, he supported their participation in industrial production. Hitler’s rule was cold and calculating, his only joys were the tramping of military boots in Nazi parades and the huge applause at Nazi rallies. On the other hand Mussolini tried to appear o his people as a â€Å"superman†. It is true that the Italian dictatorship was more conservative in its application than that of Hitler’s reign of terror. But, both the fascist ideas and rulings of these two leaders proved to have some similarities worth mentioning. Both leaders left their countries with an economic and social debt to the Allies, which is still strong in the minds of many older members of the community.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Digital Fortress Chapter 21

The American on Tokugen Numataka's private line sounded anxious. â€Å"Mr. Numataka-I only have a moment.† â€Å"Fine. I trust you have both pass-keys.† â€Å"There will be a small delay,† the American answered. â€Å"Unacceptable,† Numataka hissed. â€Å"You said I would have them by the end of today!† â€Å"There is one loose end.† â€Å"Is Tankado dead?† â€Å"Yes,† the voice said. â€Å"My man killed Mr. Tankado, but he failed to get the pass-key. Tankado gave it away before he died. To a tourist.† â€Å"Outrageous!† Numataka bellowed. â€Å"Then how can you promise me exclusive-â€Å" â€Å"Relax,† the American soothed. â€Å"You will have exclusive rights. That is my guarantee. As soon as the missing pass-key is found, Digital Fortress will be yours.† â€Å"But the pass-key could be copied!† â€Å"Anyone who has seen the key will be eliminated.† There was a long silence. Finally Numataka spoke. â€Å"Where is the key now?† â€Å"All you need to know is that it will be found.† â€Å"How can you be so certain?† â€Å"Because I am not the only one looking for it. American Intelligence has caught wind of the missing key. For obvious reasons they would like to prevent the release of Digital Fortress. They have sent a man to locate the key. His name is David Becker.† â€Å"How do you know this?† â€Å"That is irrelevant.† Numataka paused. â€Å"And if Mr. Becker locates the key?† â€Å"My man will take it from him.† â€Å"And after that?† â€Å"You needn't be concerned,† the American said coldly. â€Å"When Mr. Becker finds the key, he will be properly rewarded.†

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Malnutrition in the United Sta essays

Malnutrition in the United Sta essays People tend to associate malnutrition with poor countries; however, malnutrition is existent in many developing countries, like the United States. One third of all the children in these countries suffer from malnutrition ( Malnutrition can be defined as poor nutrition because of poorly balanced diet, faulty digestion or utilization of foods. Malnutrition is a major issue for many young children. Larry Brown, a chairman of the Physician Task Force on Hunger in America, states in his article Hunger in the U.S. that: ...The child once born is at considerable risk if adequate nutrition is lacking. The human brain develops most rapidly from conception until about the age of three. During those years brain function can be impaired by nutritional deprivation. Other risks are stunting (defined as height below the fifth percentile for a given sex and age) and wasting (weight below the fifth percentile for age and height). In addition malnourished children are particularly vulnerable to lead and other environmental toxins, which can affect the brain and compound the direct effects of malnutrition on the childs intellectual development. (Brown 114) Due to the fact that a childs brain develops the most during the first three years of his life, it is substantial that proper nutrition is present. Malnutrition in the United States is a large affair that many people fail to recognize. The Government and individuals should take a much stronger steps to solve this issue of malnutrition in the United States. Malnutrition exists for many of reasons with in the U.S.; however, the primary cause of this issue in the United Sates is finical; The Lack of money may make it difficult to purchase an adequate diet. The wealthiest people in the United States eat eleven times as much meat and seven times as much fish as the lowest twenty percent of people in the United States ( Because of the lack of ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Rohm and Haas Essay Example

Rohm and Haas Essay Example Rohm and Haas Paper Rohm and Haas Paper Rohm and Haas, a leader in the maintenance biocide market for large capacity reservoirs, found a unique opportunity to meet the needs of small capacity metal reservoirs via Kathon MWX. In spite of being a superior and cost effective product, the sales of Kathon MWX barely touched 6% of its annual plan in the first five months. Part of the issue was a lack of awareness of the product’s ability to resolve rancidity problems and potential cost benefits.The sales of the product were further impacted due to channel conflicts, such as the lack of coordination between the channel partners. This led to customers not receiving product samples from the distributors, who had little incentive to push the product due to lower margins. RH’s marketing strategy should focus on educating end-users, growing the market, and creating partnerships with Formulators, while continuing to use them as the primary distribution channel.The market underdeveloped due to a lack of knowledge pertainin g to the uses, benefits, and substitutes of biocide. The key to growing this market and educating end-users is an RH-owned direct-to-end-user print marketing campaign including new pamphlets and magazine ads. RH will no longer rely on distributors to capitalize on customer leads generated from the advertising campaign. The campaign should focus on the monetary and quality benefits of using MWX compared to both using no biocides, and using competitor brands.RH must not only capture brand loyalty from existing biocide users, but must also develop this loyalty among end-users that previously did not even realize a need. If RH is successful, Kathon brand awareness will be strengthened. This brand awareness, in turn, will generate demand from the bottom up. End-users create a demand for the industrial supply houses and machine tool shops (SHTS) to carry MWX specifically. Educated end-users will be able to insist that their industrial supply houses and machine tool shops carry MWX specifi cally, who will then seek it from the Formulators.RH should create â€Å"partnerships† with the Formulators and seek co-operative co-branding agreements with them. With a successful direct marketing campaign, these partners will see the added value of including the Kathon name on their offerings. With co-branding, partners will become more dedicated to the success of Kathon MWX, and will dedicate more of their sales resources to educating buyers at SHTS’, who will then be able to educate end-users not already educated by the print campaign. For Kathon 886 MW, RH hould create these partnerships with existing distributors that already brand the biocide privately. Ideally, costs of co-branding for these companies will be minimal. Most of them will simply have to tout the ‘RH Kathon’ name, as different packing will not be required. If end-users can become keenly aware that they use Kathon 886 MW and that it’s the best in the market, the brand awareness should trickle down to Kathon MWX. Finally, RH should allow distributors to add their brand to the MWX biocide under the stipulation of co-branding.RH must convince distributors that it is in their best interest to co-brand, given the newfound Kathon brand awareness and strength. If end-users recognize the superiority of the Kathon brand, it will strengthen the distributors’ private brands as well. The price formulators charge to SHTSs can exceed $5. 68 per packet, that way they will not feel the pinch due to lesser volume sale of metal fluid, which can be an added incentive apart from co-branding.This price increase can be justified, as the true value of MWX (from the end user perspective) ranges from $20 (Conservative approach) to $32. The key to MWX’s success is simultaneous growth in the market demand for biocides and brand awareness. We firmly believe that if end-users are educated on MWX, and RH works together co-operatively with Formulators to solidify the posit ive image of the Kathon brand, then not only will the sale of MWX increase, but the general biocide market for biocides will as well.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Dover Beach

Truth What appears to be true and what actually is true are two very different things. â€Å"Dover Beach†, written by Mathew Arnold uses an exquisitely calm ocean filled with tension to present a position of appearance verses reality. In the poem â€Å"Grecian Urn†, author John Keats creates an illusion of mortality painted on the urn verses the immortality of true life. Nathaniel Hawthorne also uses appearance verses reality when Young Goodman Brown discovers the true evil nature of mankind in what seemed to be his good friends and fellow townsmen. â€Å"Dover Beach† is about a beautifully calm sea, although when looking underneath the surface, it is a world full of hidden turbulence. Arnold starts the mood with the essence of tranquility and serenity. Dover Beach is described as, â€Å"calm [that night], the tide is full, the moon lies fair,† and all seems right. The appearance of Dover Beach at this time is only of what the human senses can envision. Arnold looks beneath the surface of Dover Beach and unveils the true nature of the sea. When Arnold stops to really listen to the sea, â€Å"[he] only [hears] [the sea’s] melancholy, long, withdrawing roar.† Arnold justifies the theory that things are not always what they appear to be. Arnold announces to his lover that, â€Å"[our] [world] of dreams, so various, so beautiful, so new, hath really neither joy, nor love.† Though the world may disguise its self as pure and true, it is really tainted and fraudulent. John Keats’s poem, â€Å"Ode on a Grecian Urn† compares the perfections of a painting on an urn to the imperfections of true life. The painting on the urn portrays the outer beauty, which is ultimately unobtainable, that mankind strives for. The paintings are like â€Å"a flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme: What leaf- fringed legend haunts about thy shape of deities or mortals.† The urn is beauty preserved while real life ages and dies, no matter how hard mankind... Free Essays on Dover Beach Free Essays on Dover Beach Truth What appears to be true and what actually is true are two very different things. â€Å"Dover Beach†, written by Mathew Arnold uses an exquisitely calm ocean filled with tension to present a position of appearance verses reality. In the poem â€Å"Grecian Urn†, author John Keats creates an illusion of mortality painted on the urn verses the immortality of true life. Nathaniel Hawthorne also uses appearance verses reality when Young Goodman Brown discovers the true evil nature of mankind in what seemed to be his good friends and fellow townsmen. â€Å"Dover Beach† is about a beautifully calm sea, although when looking underneath the surface, it is a world full of hidden turbulence. Arnold starts the mood with the essence of tranquility and serenity. Dover Beach is described as, â€Å"calm [that night], the tide is full, the moon lies fair,† and all seems right. The appearance of Dover Beach at this time is only of what the human senses can envision. Arnold looks beneath the surface of Dover Beach and unveils the true nature of the sea. When Arnold stops to really listen to the sea, â€Å"[he] only [hears] [the sea’s] melancholy, long, withdrawing roar.† Arnold justifies the theory that things are not always what they appear to be. Arnold announces to his lover that, â€Å"[our] [world] of dreams, so various, so beautiful, so new, hath really neither joy, nor love.† Though the world may disguise its self as pure and true, it is really tainted and fraudulent. John Keats’s poem, â€Å"Ode on a Grecian Urn† compares the perfections of a painting on an urn to the imperfections of true life. The painting on the urn portrays the outer beauty, which is ultimately unobtainable, that mankind strives for. The paintings are like â€Å"a flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme: What leaf- fringed legend haunts about thy shape of deities or mortals.† The urn is beauty preserved while real life ages and dies, no matter how hard mankind... Free Essays on Dover Beach Matthew Arnold’s dramatic monologue â€Å"Dover Beach† portrays the way in which perceptions are deceptive. The use of technical qualities, symbolism, and imagery helps to support the speaker’s thoughts between what is seen and what is real. Rhythm and meter are the most important devices in â€Å"Dover Beach†. These mechanisms allow Arnold to use words as a way to portray the speaker’s struggle. Figures of speech, sounds, and irony of words are also used. Line one; â€Å"The Sea is calm tonight† has a gentle rhythm that can be compared to the â€Å"ebb and flow† of the sea. With this description one can imagine a beautiful beach with water lapping upon the shore. The second line also gives the image of a calm sea. It is not until line three that the rhythm is broken. This line begins and ends with an iamb but the middle is broken up. The choppiness in the sentence is a foreshadowing of potential problems to come. In the fourth line the poem’s rhythm continues to be broken up, but shortly after is recovered in line five. The rhyme scheme is: ABACD, with only the first and third lines rhyming. This lack of pattern is used to provide an image of struggle within the speaker. In the second stanza, the number of feet per measure does not project a pattern. This is supposed to create a sense of misunderstanding. The false impression of the rhythm covers the inner struggle in the speaker. The sounds of Arnold’s poem help convey the speaker’s internal quandary. â€Å"You hear the grating roar of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling†, this quote gives the stanza an acoustic value. â€Å"On the French coast the light gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand, glimmering and vast,† portrays a visual picture of what is present at the scene. Arnold utilizes pleasing words to the ear when blissful times are present and harsh ones at time of depression and sadness. The sounds of the poem do not only display t... Free Essays on Dover Beach â€Å"Dover Beach† Essay In â€Å"Dover Beach† by Matthew Arnold (1822-1888), the narrator is in a house on the beach, and he is looking out the window at the sea and the beach. It is dark out. The lighthouse and the moon provide the illumination. The man is speaking to a woman in the house with him. The poem is a dramatic monologue, it tells a story. The sea serves two vital purposes in the poem – it is used as both a setting to set the mood, and as a means of contrast. Matthew Arnold wrote this poem in 1867. The beach house in the poem is somewhere on the English Channel, most likely on a piece of beachfront called â€Å"Dover Beach†. Some very eminent aspects of this poem are pebbles, Sophocles, the â€Å"Sea of Faith†, the Aegean Sea, and â€Å"ignorant armies†. Guy Montag recites â€Å"Dover Beach† in Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, to link the parallel conditions of human hopelessness and misery. The first part of â€Å"Dover Beach† portrays the vista the narrator is viewing as he looks out upon the sea. The â€Å"sea is calm†, and the â€Å"tide is full†. The moon and a French Lighthouse illuminate the shoreline, the â€Å"naked shingles of the Earth† where the land meets the sea. The â€Å"cliffs of England† are visible. This first part of the poem sets the dismal, depressing tone that dictates the poem from this point on. It also introduces two vital parts of the poem. It conveys the geography and setting, and it also connects the back and forth, back and forth motion of the pebbles with the hopelessness of the world. Even though the sea is calm, the waves are still drawing back and flinging the pebbles on the shoreline. The â€Å"grating roar† is the waves of the English Channel striking the shoreline. This motion of the pebbles caused by the waves â€Å"begin, and cease, and then again begin, with tremulous cadence slow†. It is this repetitious and unavoidable cycle of the pebbles as they are dominated by the waves of the sea that...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Communication in Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Communication in Economics - Essay Example hased in by internet and there new governmental entities such as the City of Tucson City Council trying to impose similar sales imposition to raised their revenues. This paper provides an analysis of the pros and cons on the internet sales tax controversy. The government always wants to get their hands in any revenue generating scheme at any cost. The base by which critics refuse to recognize the right of a city such as Tucson to impose city tax sales is that most of the transactions are occurring outside their regional jurisdiction. If an online store is located in Toronto, Canada how does a government official justify that they have the right of collecting a sales tax from a Tucson citizen for purchasing good from that store. It is an outrageous claim by these city officials that such a transaction is legitimate. That is the as saying that a resident that goes to Canada on a tourism leisure trip should pay taxes to the cities on the purchase they make during their vacation. The timing and precise location of where the transaction took place is also an argument against the bureaucrats illogical idea. If the resident of Tucson goes outside the city borders with their laptop and makes a purchase in an online store in a different city t here is not way that Tucson would be eligible for a sales tax since the person was not in Tucson when the purchase was made. Their sales taxing system if approved would attempt and successful collect the tax due to the shipping address in Tucson which since the information taxing system does not differentiate between transactions since it is impossible to know where the actual took place when dealing with a virtual transaction. Governmental officials and lobbyist for taxing internet sales have a different perspective on the issue. To them not taxing internet sales is a discriminatory move against local merchants which are obligated to charge people sales tax, a move which raises the price of the items purchased. The merchants with

Friday, October 18, 2019

Critical Evaluation of your documentary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Evaluation of your documentary - Essay Example This documentary was to look into the different models of cars and what makes them unique from each other. The original documentary was to look at how cars have evolved from the year 1970 to present, their speed limits, designs, engine types and sizes. Several ideas influenced my original proposal for a documentary. The documentary, Car of the Future, talks of the various models of cars that are to hit the roads by the year and their effect on the environment. The documentary would have projected the models that were before and those that have come to be. Another documentary that inspired my thought on the car documentary that I was to make was that of â€Å"Who killed the Electric Car.† In this documentary, several issues are looked into; the eventual downfall of the car model, how it was made and its branding type. The documentary also looks into duties of government, consumers and the oil industry. The PowerBlock TV show was also a force behind my original proposal for a do cumentary. Different car models are showcased in this show bringing out clearly the many changes that have occurred in the motor industry. The final film turned out to be different from what I had in my original proposal for a documentary. My documentary is about making a confectionary that is liked by most consumers. The inspiration was drawn from a documentary I later saw about a man who was an expert at making sushi. Together with his son who is also his heir, they set out in the basement of an office to show their prowess on sushi making. The relationship that the man and his son share was phenomenal. Their attention to detail and their enthusiasm to give the best of results motivated me. I thought of the issues that are overlooked by people regarding the end results of food. This documentary brings out a clear explanation of how confectionaries are prepared and how good results can be achieved. Another idea that

Conversation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Conversation - Essay Example I had never thought that my grandmother had such a good memory. She would narrate of events that happened decades ago as if thy happened just yesterday. Her name is Cecelia Goddu. She is 90 years old, which is quite surprising since she still, looks and sounds very young. She started by telling me that she was born in South Dartmouth Massachusetts. I was surprised to learn that she had a twin sister called Hilda Rodrigues. This was something I had never known before. Their parents were Antonio and Dimantina Reis, both of whom were born in Azores, Portugal. This was another interesting piece of information I had never thought I had relatives outside United States. She continued to tell m how my ancestors ended up in United States. Antonio moved to United States where he became a prominent farmer after which he invited my great-grandmother whom she married. On Jun 23 1922, 90 years ago, my great-grandparents got twins whom they called Cecelia and Titia Hilda. They both had many children and the family grew large. My father is one of the grandchildren of Titia Hilda. It was interesting to have this wonderful discovery of my

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Global blog project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global blog project - Essay Example Previous Knowledge With the increase in communication between the Generation Y through social networking and the internet, word-of-mouth has greatly changed the marketing and advertising landscape. Television is fast becoming an obsolete advertising medium for Generation Y. Thus, Marketers have to evolve their practices of market segmentation and targeting in order to develop a brand or a campaign that is accepted by Generation Y. Methodology I plan to discuss the changes in advertising medium and the changes that marketing teams have to make in order to cater to Generation Y. Genre 1: Blog The following blog provides a good insight to marketers regarding the psyche of Generation Y and advertising tactics that marketers could consider: Summer Lovin' For Gen Y with Live Concerts and Mobile Marketing We (referring to the audience in general or specifically potential marketers) all know that no demographic is changing as quickly as the coveted Gen Y demographic.  We also know that for a growing number of brands, they're the segment that is not only the most important, but also the most difficult to engage. But what marketers may not know is that experiential marketing is the best and surest way to reach this elusive set, especially this summer.   Between concert festivals, outdoor sporting events, travel and the general excitement that comes from being "out for summer," the coming months are the perfect time for marketers to get out and about themselves, engaging with these consumers face-to-face. Gen Y now numbers more than 60 million. They're around town, leveraging social media and taking control of every second of their lives and most importantly they are on mobile. This summer they'll tune into whatever they want as easily as they'll tune it out. As a result, brand marketers around the world are retuning how they go to market. There are some interesting stats from a recently conducted a survey with the Event Marketing Institute, surveying several thousand Gen Y consumers. The results are surprising and would help to shape marketing plans as marketers try to reach this elusive demographic.   94% of Gen Y consumers say they would be more likely to buy a product as a result of a good experience at an event. Think about it. If someone went to a concert for an up-and-coming pop star and left wanting more, they would be more likely to buy her CD or download her single, right? But creating that "good experience" is no easy task  Ã‚   MillerCoors understands this and is ramping up mobile at every turn. Gen Y'ers is the first generation that has grown up with the internet as a normal part of everyday life and now the web is in their hands 24/7. In fact, almost half of those surveyed have posted something (a photo, a status update, a Tweet) from or during an event. Because of this proliferation of technology, Gen Y presents a different set of challenges for marketers. Marketers in all brand categories need to plan campaigns that connect w ith consumers, whether they're live or on mobile or both at the same time, and the experiences have to reach consumers' minds. Clearly, marketing to Gen Y is still a tough audience to completely crack. To succeed, marketers need a new rulebook. Here are four rules for ensuring experiences make the critical connection to the Gen Y consumer: Let them in. And we mean all the way in. It is common knowledge that savvy brands use experiential marketing to create ongoing dialogues with consumers. What one might not know is that those conversations now give

United States History up to 1877 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

United States History up to 1877 - Essay Example Correspondingly, young girls were the chief accusers involved in demonstrating against various people for numerous offenses comprising practice of witchcraft. The leaders in the community promptly reacted to these accusation. As a consequence, many people were killed while certain other people were jailed which forced these people to acquire debt for jail charges. Eventually, as a consequence of this incident there was a loss of land along with hampering dignity of people as well as loss of lives (Linder 1-7). The incident of witch hunt in Salem is ascertained to have happened due to various reasons and was widely prejudiced by the dread of the devil and the generally accepted belief that the devil would allocate witches with power to hurt people as a reward of their faithfulness. Salem was established by puritans during 1628. This era also reflected the establishment of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Under the regime of King Charles I, the puritans were granted with a royal approval to colonize the area. However, Charles II revoked this charter in 1684 responding to the violation of charter rules by the colonists. These violations were mainly executed against the laws related with beliefs, religion and discrimination against Anglicans. These factors mainly represented the governmental causes behind the upheaval of the Salem witch trials. It can be argued that there were many other social and cultural factors that had significantly contributed towards the occurrence of Salem witch trials. In this regard, gender issue can be ascertained to be one of the major constituents related with the occurrence of Salem witch trials. Responsively, many scholars propounded that a majority of the victims who were accused and executed for practicing witchcraft were women. It has been further determined that the victims involving women were the ones who were perceived as â€Å"not fit into the typical Puritan framework of a good and obedient wife†

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Global blog project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global blog project - Essay Example Previous Knowledge With the increase in communication between the Generation Y through social networking and the internet, word-of-mouth has greatly changed the marketing and advertising landscape. Television is fast becoming an obsolete advertising medium for Generation Y. Thus, Marketers have to evolve their practices of market segmentation and targeting in order to develop a brand or a campaign that is accepted by Generation Y. Methodology I plan to discuss the changes in advertising medium and the changes that marketing teams have to make in order to cater to Generation Y. Genre 1: Blog The following blog provides a good insight to marketers regarding the psyche of Generation Y and advertising tactics that marketers could consider: Summer Lovin' For Gen Y with Live Concerts and Mobile Marketing We (referring to the audience in general or specifically potential marketers) all know that no demographic is changing as quickly as the coveted Gen Y demographic.  We also know that for a growing number of brands, they're the segment that is not only the most important, but also the most difficult to engage. But what marketers may not know is that experiential marketing is the best and surest way to reach this elusive set, especially this summer.   Between concert festivals, outdoor sporting events, travel and the general excitement that comes from being "out for summer," the coming months are the perfect time for marketers to get out and about themselves, engaging with these consumers face-to-face. Gen Y now numbers more than 60 million. They're around town, leveraging social media and taking control of every second of their lives and most importantly they are on mobile. This summer they'll tune into whatever they want as easily as they'll tune it out. As a result, brand marketers around the world are retuning how they go to market. There are some interesting stats from a recently conducted a survey with the Event Marketing Institute, surveying several thousand Gen Y consumers. The results are surprising and would help to shape marketing plans as marketers try to reach this elusive demographic.   94% of Gen Y consumers say they would be more likely to buy a product as a result of a good experience at an event. Think about it. If someone went to a concert for an up-and-coming pop star and left wanting more, they would be more likely to buy her CD or download her single, right? But creating that "good experience" is no easy task  Ã‚   MillerCoors understands this and is ramping up mobile at every turn. Gen Y'ers is the first generation that has grown up with the internet as a normal part of everyday life and now the web is in their hands 24/7. In fact, almost half of those surveyed have posted something (a photo, a status update, a Tweet) from or during an event. Because of this proliferation of technology, Gen Y presents a different set of challenges for marketers. Marketers in all brand categories need to plan campaigns that connect w ith consumers, whether they're live or on mobile or both at the same time, and the experiences have to reach consumers' minds. Clearly, marketing to Gen Y is still a tough audience to completely crack. To succeed, marketers need a new rulebook. Here are four rules for ensuring experiences make the critical connection to the Gen Y consumer: Let them in. And we mean all the way in. It is common knowledge that savvy brands use experiential marketing to create ongoing dialogues with consumers. What one might not know is that those conversations now give

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Week 4-Applied business research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Week 4-Applied business research - Assignment Example (2) The graph includes only two data points yet wants to argue that this is a trend caused by stricter enforcement.  Chance or random  fluctuation is inherent in nearly every human phenomena.  Two successive observations of anything are likely to vary.  Two observations do not make a trend. (3) The graph lacks context both in terms of a longer series of observations for Connecticut traffic fatalities and in comparisons with other states that, during this period, did not crack down on speeding. (4) The graph doesn’t take population  size into account.  The more people, the more drivers, the more likely you’ll have traffic fatalities.  Increases in fatalities may be an artifact of increases in the number of drivers.  Decreases may be an artifact of population decline. Based on the output table below, what percentage of districts with the fewest experienced teachers can be found among school districts that score among the highest third of all districts on a measure of the percentage of their students who pass standardized tests? What two additional percentages in the table above would you report in an edited table to support an argument that districts with more experienced teachers tend to be the highest scoring districts on standardized

The United Kingdom awarding body Essay Example for Free

The United Kingdom awarding body Essay I have been asked to design a system for the United Kingdom Awarding Body (UKAB), an imaginary exam board. This system is going to be used for the monitoring of its post-examination re-marks. System Specification: The system specification needs to store the following data:   Candidate name Candidate number Centre number   Subject Reference Code   Original mark   Re-mark mark Whether the centre requested the return of the script It was also necessary to store the grade boundaries for each of the subjects. For the system I was asked to build the following table was provided for the grade boundaries of each subject: Subject Reference Grade Boundaries (%) Code A B C D E 01325 75 67 60 54 48 20094 70 60 50 40 30 28181 90 78 66 54 42 54821 85 79 74 64 55 64773 68 60 52 46 40 The system needed to be able to produce hard copies of the following:   A daily list of any re-marks completed where a mark change has affected the grade; A daily list of any re-marks still outstanding, i. e. that have not been completed within a three-week period;   A list of re-marks that have been requested for a particular subject;   A list of re-marks that have been requested from a particular centre. The system also needed to be able to produce documents which could be returned to the centre giving the results of the re-marking. The document needed to show the UKAB logo and also the following details: Centre number (integer)   Candidate name (string) Candidate number (integer)   Subject Reference Code (integer)   Original Mark (integer)   Original Grade (text)   Either the re-mark mark and grade, if changed, or a sentence to say that there has been no change (integer/text) Processes: The user of the system would need to be able to carry out the following processes:   Record information about candidates. Amend/delete information about candidates Record re-marks Query so as to obtain the information for the hard copies which I listed above. Firstly I needed to use the data requirements to start to design the entities and attributes that I would use in the system. Following is a brainstorm of the ideas I used to come to the first draft of the entities and attributes: Initial Entities: After this brainstorming I decided to start with the following 3 entities: Candidate(Candidate Name, Candidate Number, Centre Number, Subject Reference Code, Original Mark, Re-mark mark, Requested) Subject (Subject Reference Code, A, B, C, D, E). Centre (Centre Number, Centre Name, Centre Address) Where the underlined attributes represent the primary keys within each entity. In the candidate entity I decided to use both candidate number and also centre number as a joint primary key as candidate numbers were only unique to their centre. This would mean that there could be multiple candidates with the same candidate number; however the candidate number and centre number combined would always be unique. For the subject entity, subject reference code was the only sensible primary key as it was the only unique attribute in the entity. Centre Number is both a primary key in the centre entity and also a foreign key in the candidate entity. Another foreign key in this initial model is subject reference code in the candidate entity. Data Types: Candidate Name: text: 20 Candidate Number: integer Centre Number: long integer Subject Name: text: 15 Subject Reference Code: long integer Original Mark: integer Original Grade: text: 1 Re-mark Mark: integer Re-mark Grade: text: 1 A: integer B: integer C: integer D: integer E: integer Centre Name: text: 20 Centre Address: 200 For each of the field I altered the length of each field appropriately. I did this by either switching from long integer to integer, or changing the maximum number of characters in each field. In this way I was able to save on the space that the database used. Following is the reasons for choosing the data types for some of the fields I used in the database: Candidate Name: I limited the field length to 20 characters as this would be long enough to cater for any name but yet saves space as less space has to be set aside for each record. Candidate Number: as candidate number is only 4 digits long there would be no way in which it would exceed the maximum length an integer would provide. Therefore I chose to decrease the field length to integer so as to save space. Centre Number: I was not able to decrease the size of this field as Centre Number is a 5 digit number and therefore can exceed the maximum length of an integer of 32768. Subject Reference Code: this field again used long integer as its data type due to it being a 5 digit code. To ensure that the field could start with a 0 I altered the properties of the field as below: Original Grade: I decreased the length of this field to 1. The grade would always only be a 1 letter grade such as, A or B. Therefore I was able to decrease the length of this field to 1 at no consequence. Re-mark Mark: I changed this to integer as it was only a 2 digit number. Centre Address: I changed this to 200 characters as an address can be quite long. However I did not change the data type to memo which would have provided more space as it would make the system slower and the extra space would not have been needed First Normal Form: I realized that having the candidates and also the re-marks in the same table, that I would be unnecessarily duplicating data within the system. I therefore decided to split the entity up into two separate entities, candidate and re-mark. So my new entity list looked as below: Candidate (Candidate Name, Candidate Number, Centre Number) Re-mark (Subject Name, Subject Reference Code, Candidate Number, Centre Number, Original Mark, Original Grade, Re-mark mark, Re-mark Grade, Requested) Subject (Subject Reference Code, A, B, C, D, E) Centre (Centre Number, Centre Name, Centre Address) The new entity remark has a composite primary key consisting of, subject reference code, candidate number, and centre number. This was the only combination of attributes within this entity which would ensure that it was always unique. Also in this way I was able to ensure that all of my tables were in first normal form, satisfying the criteria of eliminating duplicative fields within the same table. By making the re-mark table a sub-form of candidate through the use of a one to many relationship between the two, I was able to have multiple re-marks for each candidate without having to break the first normal form which I need to adhere to. Second Normal Form: For a table to fulfill the requirements to be in second normal form, all of the non-key attributes within the entity must be functionally dependant upon the primary key of the table. All of my entities satisfied these criteria so therefore no changes needed to be made. Third Normal Form: For a table to fulfill the requirements to be in third normal form, it must first be in first and also second normal form. On top of the requirements for the first two forms, it must also be ensured that no non-key attributes are dependant upon other non-key attributes. My database already satisfies this requirement and can therefore be said to be in third normal form. As my database fulfills all of the requirements to be in first, second and third normal form my database has now been normalized. Relationships: After designing the entities my table will use while considering the normalization of my tables I have now come up with the following relationships: Above is a screenshot of my relationships that I have created in access. As can be noted there are no many to many relationships as I have eliminated them through the normalization process. Software: For this project I am going to be using Microsoft Access, as well as some coding within Visual Basic which I will implement into the database. I have chosen to use the following combination as it is an easy way to set up tables and the initial database, but also allows me to utilize the power of a programming language such as Visual Basic so I can fine tune and customize the user interface and other aspects of the database. I have chosen to use a package to create the initial database as opposed to programming the whole database as programming the whole database from the start is a larger task which I would not have been able to accomplish with my current understanding of programming. Also for this particular project the extra power that a programmed database could offer was not needed as the solution could be provided in a fairly simplistic form. My other main option for creating this database was to use Delphi, which is a form of Pascal. I have already covered most of the Pascal syntax and it would have been the best alternative choice, however I did not do this for the reasons above. On top of this I wanted to expand my knowledge of systems creation by experimenting with Visual Basic and also Access. Hardware: The hardware which I will be initially creating my solution on is my home PC. This PC was built by me and therefore I am very familiar with the hardware that I will be using. The hardware is of a medium to high specification:   AMD Athlon XP 1800+ (clocked at 1533 MHz) 512 MB DDR PC2100 RAM. 40 GB Hard drive However I wanted to ensure that the software that I was creating would work on a PC of lower specification so that anyone that was using it would not be forced to upgrade their systems to use my database. I therefore did some testing on the PCs at my College which were of a lower specification:   Intel Pentium III 800 MHz   128 MB SD RAM   10 GB Hard drive Design: Tables: Following are screen shots of the tables in my database: Candidate Design View: As can be seen in the properties of the candidate name attribute, I have changed the field size to 20. Also it can be seen that the primary key is a composite one made up of candidate number and centre number. Candidate Table View: Centre Design View: In the above view, the focus is on the centre number attribute, as can be seen the field size is set to long integer, also for the format I have altered it to 00000. This represents the number of digits that I was to be shown at any time, this is a work around of the problem that if a centre number begins with a zero then it will still be kept. The primary key for this entity is Centre Number. Centre Table View: The test data included 3 centres. So as to show the full address of each centre I have had to increase the height of each record within the table. Re-mark Design View: As can be seen for this table the primary key is a composite one comprising of subject reference code, candidate number and centre number. Re-mark Table View: Here is all of the test data for my database, it may be noted that there are more than 15 re-marks (the corresponding number of candidates). This is because I have given some candidates a number of re-marks so as to be able to test the effects of more than one re-mark per candidate. Subject Design View:In the subject table I have given the primary key to the only unique attribute within the entity which is subject reference code. Subject Table View: As can be seen for each grade boundary I have just given the singular value as opposed to the actual bounds for each grade. This is so as to make coding for the user interface easier later on in the solution. Validation Rules: In the specification there were a few rules by which some of the data needed to adhere to, these were: 1. Candidate Numbers are of 4 digits and will be unique within any centre, but not between centres. The solution should ensure that this is allowed for. 2. Centre numbers are allocated within the range 10000 to 80000 and are unique. 3. Subject Reference Codes are 5 numeric digits. The following are the validation rules that I used to ensure that my data was correct. 1. For the candidate numbers I used the following validation rule: (0) And (10000). This allowed for the numbers from 0001 up to 9999. 2. For the centre numbers I used the following validation rule: (9999) And (80001). This allowed for the numbers 10000 to 80000. 3. For the subject reference codes I used the following validation rule: (0) And (100000). This allowed for any 5 digit code. Other validation codes that I used include: 1. (=0) And (=100) : for the original mark and re-mark mark attributes. This ensured that every mark was expressed out of 100. 2. (=A) Or (=B) Or (=C) Or (=D) Or (=E) Or (=U) : for original grade and re-mark grade, this ensure that each was a valid grade. Queries: The first query that I needed to create needed to show any outstanding re-marks. Outstanding was defined as 3 weeks after it was received. This led to me needing to change the design of the re-mark table slightly. I needed to add an attribute (date received) so as to keep record of the date that it was received. After this the re-mark entity looked as follows: Re-mark (Subject Name, Subject Reference Code, Candidate Number, Centre Number, Original Mark, Original Grade, Re-mark mark, Re-mark Grade, Requested, Date Received) Forms: Main: To make the design as user friendly as possible, I have split it into 2 sections of input and output. This way it is easy for the user to distinguish between the two uses of the system. For all of my forms I have included an exit button in the bottom right of each form. I have kept this constant to stay in line with the element of least surprise design. New Centre: Similarly to the new centre button, the new subject button opens at a new record. The screenshot is of the subject form. New Re-marks: The new re-mark button unlike the first two buttons does not open at a new record. This is because it is more likely that the user will be inputting a user from an existing centre and therefore it would make more sense for the user to scroll through the centres. A small feature that I have included in this form is to improve the user interface of the system. It will input a code from a subject name or a subject name from a code automatically. I used the following code to achieve this effect. This code changes a subject name into code, it can be noted that this happens on exit of the subject_name field. For the opposite effect I used very similar code: Above is a small clip of how this code works, it follows on similarly for each code. Again this code takes place on exit of the subject_reference_code field. Re-mark Results: For this particular form I have locked many of the fields, this is because it will be used to input the re-mark results from previously submitted papers. The locked fields are coloured in grey. Another feature which is used in this table is an auto-grading system, where the system calculates the grade from the mark entered. This feature also takes into consideration the different subjects as each has different grade boundaries. The code is as follows: End Sub Where the grade boundaries are actually on the table but are hidden as shown: Each of these fields contains the grade boundaries from the subject table. They change in accordance to the subject reference code which is also on the table. This feature is put in place to increase the efficiency of the system for the end user. It may also be noted that when the re_mark_mark field is exited the re_mark_date field becomes equal to todays date. The field was like the grade boundary fields hidden on the form. Reports: The following are the reports which I included to provide hard copies for the end user. Beneath I have listed the names of each of these reports and have also printed out examples of each report. Each example is clipped onto the end of this report; the page number will be included next to the report name beneath:   Grade Changes (pg )   Outstanding Re-marks (pg )   Subject Report (pg )   Centre Report (pg )   Candidate Report (pg ). Each of these reports simply used the queries that I had already constructed. However the candidate report posed a small problem, the specification stated that it would like to show the grade change or if no grade change had been made, then it would like a sentence stating that there was no change. This meant that I would need to create two separate reports and then create some code which could go to the necessary report when I had inputted the details for the report. Test Purpose of test Data Used or Action Taken Expected Result Actual Result 1 Check that main form loads Click main form button Switchboard form displayed. Form opened 2 Check New Centre form Opens Click New Centre Button New Centre form at new record Form opened 3 Check New Subject form Opens Click New Subject Button New Subject form at new record Form opened 4 Check New Re-marks form opens Click New Re-marks Button New Re-mark form at first record Form opened 5 Check grade changes report opens Click Grade Changes Button Grade changes report preview Preview opened 6 Check outstanding re-marks report opens Click outstanding re-marks button Outstanding re-marks report preview Preview opened 7 Check subject report opens Click subject report button Pop up box then report preview. After entering criteria, opened 8 Check centre report opens Click centre report button Pop up box then report preview After entering criteria, opened 9 Check candidate report opens Click candidate report button 3 popup boxes then one of 2 reports After entering criteria, opened 10 Check exit button Click exit button Form closes Form closed 11 Check auto grade feature for original mark Insert mark Equivalent grade is generated Grade generated 12 Check auto grade feature for re-mark mark Insert mark Equivalent grade is generated Grade generated 13 Check validation rule for candidate number Insert 5 digit code. Rejection of the code Rejected 14 Check validation rule for centre number Insert number larger than 80000 Rejection of the code Rejected 15 Check Validation for subject reference code Insert 6 digit code Rejection of the code Rejected 16 Check validation for original mark Insert number larger than 100 Rejection of the number Rejected 17 Check validation code for re-mark mark Insert number larger than 100 Rejection of the number Rejected 18 Check validation code for original grade Insert the letter G Rejection of the letter Rejected 19 Check validation code for re-mark grade Insert the letter H Rejection of the letter. Rejected 20 Check auto subject reference code feature Insert word business Generation of the code 20094 Generated 21 Check auto subject name feature Insert code 01325 Generation of word Art Generated 22 Auto date feature Enter date field Generation of todays date Generated 23 Check that Auto grade feature works for alterations Change an existing mark Regeneration of grade to new grade Generated 24 Check validation of dates Insert abc into date received Rejection of date Rejected 25 Check that Duplicate Centre Numbers cannot be inputted Insert 66528 in new record Rejection of data Rejected.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Social Work Partnership Management Case Study

Social Work Partnership Management Case Study Examine the case study above and analyze the potential conflicts in values  between the school, parent and the police. On the basis of your professional value base what could you suggest as a social worker to help and support Allen, his father and the school. Allen, who is 15 years old, has a special needs statement for learning and  behavioural difficulties and attends a referral unit (a special school with  smaller class sizes and varied learning experiences) to meet these needs. Recently Allen has stopped attending the unit, complaining of boredom, bullying  and lack of teachers support to stop the bullying. Added to the concerns Allen  has also been arrested on a couple of occasions from shoplifting, during school  time, with others from the same referral unit. Alans father, Peter, is concerned about him not going to the referral unit, but  has not been into school to sort things out. He tells you (The Social Worker) he  does not believe Alans story about the bullying but at the same time he does  not appear to have done anything to challenge Allens absence. The head teacher from Allens referral unit is clear in saying there is no  bullying. He is keen for the education Department to prosecute Peter for failing  to get Allen to attend school. What Specific Elements of the GSCC Code of Practice and Social Work Values  Are Relevant and Comment on How This Can Help in Applying the Law and Good  Practice. How notions of human rights, utilitarian and Kantian Philosophies Might Apply  to this Situation. How anti discriminatory practice can inform your working with the situation. Protect the rights and The power that young people have in relation to school/social work agency and  how other viewpoints can be balanced alongside the wishes and feelings of the  young person. Initial Assessment Allen is 15 years old and currently displaying behavioral difficulties in school. He attends a referral unit, which is designed to attend to the needs of children with special needs such as Allen. He is also presenting with anti-social behaviors in that he was caught committing theft. This occurred during school hours. Additionally, Allen allegedly told mistruths about being bullied by other students, thus his reason for leaving school. It appears that the school is reaching out to Peter, Allen’s father, with no success. Peter has not been to the school to address Allen’s current behaviors. Foremost, it is important to reflect on the differences in views and values caused by the current situation to better understand the complexities within it. Firstly, the school may not be able to provide additional services without parental consent and collaboration. Therefore, the school is limited in what services can be put in place. Additionally, school personnel may desire that discipline be applied at school and home in a consistent manner, which requires school involvement by parents. Another concern for the school is whether it can safely contain a child who is displaying high-risk behaviors. Although the school is required to work with Allen on his behavioral issues, the school’s resources are limited to children who are able to defray from harmful situations. In the case of this particular child, the school may not have appropriate staff that can provide additional safety and security so that Alan does not hurt himself within school property. There is also the chance that he may attempt to leave the school premises as he has done in the past. Without parental support and possible lack of services to contain Allen, the school may be concerned about liability. Eventually, if he becomes involved in a situation that is either harmful to himself or others, the school may opt to recommend he attend a lock-down facility. Peter, on the other hand, may feel that school should be equipped to handle Allen’s behaviors, especially being that it is a school for children with special needs. Peter may be a single parent and/or have a very demanding job, which may make it difficult for him to attend school meetings. Despite these obstacles however, he is Allen’s legal guardian and is ultimately responsible for providing him with an appropriate educational environment. This entails collaborating with the school. His lack of presence in the school is a display that he is not adequately providing for Allen’s educational needs. Police is obligated to keep Allen safe and at the same time required to enforce the law. Police is also the neutral force amidst the school system and Allen’s father. However, if Allen continues to break the law, the police department will be in the position to support the school’s recommendation for a more restrictive environment. Although it is sometimes difficult for collaterals in a child’s life to work cohesively to provide the best level of care possible, it is all involved adults’ legal and ethical responsibility to do so. Therefore, while working with Allen, Peter and school staff should keep in mind that Allen is protected by stringent laws pertaining to children with disabilities. For instance, in my work with Allen, I must keep in mind the General Social Care Council Code of Practice and Social Work Values that specify the level of care participants such as Allen should be receiving. According to social work practice, I should remember the important principles set forth in this code. First, I should promote Allen’s interests. To do so, I must prove to Allen that I am invested in his well-being and in alliance with him. I should also strive to develop and maintain a relationship of trust and confidence with Allen. Otherwise, he will not be willing to work with me. I am also respon sible for promoting Allen’s independence while also ensuring that he is not vulnerable to harmful situations, harmful to himself or to someone else. I am also compelled to respect Allen’s rights at all times. Following these guidelines ensures that I am adhering to legal and good practice standards.*********** Similarly, the school should also adhere to guidelines regarding how Allen is treated within the school environment. School staff should pay particular attention to laws set forth for children with disabilities. Due to Allen’s behavioral disability, the school cannot expel him, but rather should work with him in an attempt to resolve any concerns. Allen’s father, Peter, is also responsible for Allen’s care and well-being. Peter is bound by child protection and welfare laws, which include specifications regarding parents’ responsibility to provide children with the appropriate educational opportunities. The fact that Peter is unable or unwilling to attend the school to address Allen’s behavioral and truancy issues can constitute as neglect due to the severity of Allen’s behaviors. In addition, Allen is engaging in high-risk behaviors which are potentially putting him in harm’s way while truant. This causes concern of liability by both the caregiver and the school. Clinical Recommendations Fortunately, Allen is protected by child laws which state that he cannot be expelled from school due to his behavior. This law was created specifically for children who suffer from learning disabilities ()********. They acknowledge this and many times use this, very rightfully, to their advantage. For instance, Allen may be well aware that he will not be expelled for the current behaviors he is displaying. Additionally, he appears to be manipulating the situation by falsely stating that he is being bullied. In spite of his acting out, however, Allen has the right to be treated fairly. Thus, the bullying should be investigated despite Peter and the head teacher’s feeling that it is not occurring. Additionally, appropriate services for educational and emotional advancement should be implemented, according to the guidelines specified by the Special Education Needs Code of Practice (2001). It appears that Allen has been acting out behaviorally for some time. It is important to investigate what it is that is causing him to manifest his feelings through negative behaviors. It is vital that Allen begin to see an individual therapist so that he may have a safe environment to discuss his current stressors. I am a licensed Social Worker and would like to work with Allen on a weekly basis. Currently, Allen is socializing with others who are also engaging in the self-damaging behaviors. He is in need of a positive support system. Peter is also in need of supportive services. I will refer Peter to a support group for children with learning and behavioral issues so that he may understand that other families also deal with similar struggles. If Allen is willing to attend, it may benefit him to view other children’s perspectives on their attitudes toward their educational and emotional difficulties (Social Care Institute for Excellence Research briefing 14). Peter may not be cognizant of the severity of Allen’s behavior, which may be the reason he is not willing to collaborate with the school. It may be useful to provide outreach support by sharing pamphlets, making phone calls to the home and providing Internet resources so that Peter may be educated properly regarding Allen’s current needs. It is unsure whether Peter has a strong support system on which he is able to rely. It would be fruitful to explore family and friends that could assist him in caring for Allen when Peter is feeling overwhelmed. The school may also benefit from social work services. Teachers and staff that work with Allen may need to discuss their struggles with someone who could provide clinically sound feedback. I recommend that personnel meet with me and the school psychologist once a week to discuss Allen’s behaviors and help teachers think through effective methods of intervention. Further, teachers may benefit from collaborating with each other and discussing methods of providing consistency for Allen throughout his school day. A mentoring program may also be valuable to Allen. A program that provides Allen with a mentor who is a little older and more mature may assist Allen in understanding perspectives other than his own. In the most ideal situation, Allen should be provided with a mentor who is just slightly older than he, so that Allen can confide in someone who understands his adolescent culture; yet is also a resource who could model positive, responsible behavior. References,11025,629574,00.html Code of Practice for Social Care Workers and Code of Practice for Employers of Social Care Workers. GSCC Code of Practice General Social Care Council Goldings House 2 Hay’s Lane London SE1 2HB 020 7397 Special Education Needs Code of Practice (2001). The Education Act, 1996. Banks (2004) Ethics, Accountability and the Social Professions. Becket and Maynard (2005) Values and Ethics in Social Work. Clark (2000) Social Work Ethics. Hugman and Smith (1995) Ethical Issues in Social Work. Jordan, B (1990) Social Work in an Unjust Society. Payne and Littlechild (ed., 2000) Ethical Practice and the Abuse of Power in  Social Responsibility. Shardow, S.M. (2002) Values and Ethics in Social Work. Spratt, T. Callan, J. (2004) Interventions in Child Welfare Cases. British Journal of Social Work, 34(2), 199-224. SCIE Research briefing 14: Helping parents with learning disabilities in their role as parents

Sunday, October 13, 2019

James Madison Essay -- biographies bio biography

James Madison James Madison was born in 1751 and died in 1836. He was the fourth president of the United States (1809-1817). Madison worked for American independence, helped to establish the government of the new nation, and went on to participate in that government as congressman, secretary of state, and president. Madison's work on the Constitution of the United States gave him his best opportunity to exercise his great talents and is generally considered his most valuable contribution. More than any other person, Madison can be considered responsible for making the Bill of Rights part of the Constitution. His intense concern for religious and intellectual freedom led him to seek the strongest possible safeguards of individual liberty. In 1776, Madison was elected a delegate to the Virginia constitutional convention. Madison wrote the article of the declaration of rights that asserted the right of all "to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience." In December 1779, Madison was elected to the Continental Congress. He took his seat with the Virginia delegation in March 1780 and after the first few months, he assumed a leading role in Congress. In the spring of 1784 Madison again ran for election to the Virginia assembly and won. He served nearly three years there, advocating the strengthening of the federal government. Madison was one of the first delegates to arrive in Philadelphia for the Constitutional Convention. Madison proposed a government with strong central powers, including a national judiciary and an elected national executive, and with authority to veto legislation of individual states. Primarily, Madison sought to provide the central government "with positive and complete autho... ...y, along with statesmen John Quincy Adams and Albert Gallatin, to hold peace talks with the British at Ghent, Belgium. On his instructions they negotiated the Treaty of Ghent, which was signed on December 24, 1814. The primary concession Madison won was surrender by Britain of American territory captured during the war. A growing prosperity and a spirit of expansion in the United States marked the final two years of Madison's presidency. Madison himself appeared to be swept along by the nationalistic feeling of the times. Although he persisted in a strict interpretation of federal powers under the Constitution, he felt it appropriate now to sign into law several pieces of legislation he had vigorously fought against in earlier years. Among these were a bill creating a national bank and a tariff act designed to protect American industries from foreign competition.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Declaration For War In 1917 Essay -- essays research papers

Declaration for War in 1917   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Welcome fellow Senators. We are here today to discuss what the United States should do following Germany’s announcement of unrestricted submarine warfare and the sinking of the three American merchant ships. A resolution is put forth in front of the senators. The first section of the resolution says that: The U.S. Government authorizes President Wilson to use the Armed Forces of the Unit6ed States to wage war against the Nation of Germany. The second section says that: The U.S. Congress supports the president’s request for a declaration of war against the Nation of Germany. I fully agree with this resolution 100%. I agree with war against Germany, as I have said ever since the sinking of the Lusitania.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All this had started back in February of 1915 when Germany had stated its War Zone Policy. They said that neutral ships may enter the war zone at their own risk. President Wilson’s reaction to this was that the United States will take action if American lives or property are destroyed. In May of 1915, the Germans had torpedoed and sunk a British ship, The Lusitania. On that ship were 128 Americans, that had been killed. Instead of declaring war, which I had wanted, President Wilson sends out demands to the Germans. He demands a formal apology from Germany, money damages to the families of American victims that boarded the Lusitania, and he had made a remark that said, â€Å" The U.S. Government shall demand that the German Government pledge to follow international law with regard to the use of their submarines. Any future violation of international law shall be regarded as a deliberately unfriendly action against the United States.† After this, Presi dent Wilson asks for an increase in military spending, but the Congress had refused. The Germans abide by this for 10 months. After these 10 months, in March 1916, the Germans had sunk another ship, the French fairy boat, The Sussex. 5 Americans were killed in this sinking. Instead of declaring war, like I had wanted again, or even breaking diplomatic ties, President Wilson threatened to break diplomatic ties with Germany. The Germans issue the Sussex Pledge. In this, they promise not to sink passenger ships and merchant ships without warning and without saving human lives. They abide by this pledge for 10 months. After that, Ger... he believes that the United States would be going to war for Wall Street. He says that American corporations want this war. They have sold over 300 million dollars worth of munitions to nations of war, and if the United States would enter the war, they would be in financial heaven. I do not believe, as an American citizen, that we would be going to war for Wall Street. We would be going to war for national pride, because the Germans had killed innocent civilian lives of neutral nations, and because the Germans had violated international law numerous times. I do not agree, at all, with Representative Lindberg.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My fellow Senators, I remind you again my reasons for going to war. For national pride, for the killing of innocent American lives, for the violation of international law, for the plot of war against the United States, and because of the increasing public opinion for war. We have given Germany 4 too many chances, which they had totally violated and taken advantage of. It is finally time to do something about these â€Å"unfriendly actions† taken against us. Again Senators, I urge you to vote â€Å"YES† to this resolution and declare war against Germany.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Crash and Privilege, Power, and Difference

Matthew Miller Paper #1: Privilege, Power, and Difference* and *Crash The Movie Crashis set in Los Angeles and begins when several people are involved in a multi-car accident. From there the movie skips to the day before where we see the lives of several of the characters who were involved in the crash and the racial problems they encounter that day. The moviebegins by showing an Islamic man and his daughter going into a gun shop to by a gun. When the Islamic man speaks in a different language to his daughter the store clerk says to him â€Å"Hey Osama, plan your Jihad on your own time. An argument ensues and the daughter ends up staying in the store and buying the gun, and instead of bullets she accidentally buys blanks asammo, however the clerk does not tell her this. The movie then skips to a couple of young black men who are complaining about the service they received at a restaurant. One of them says it is because of the stereotype that blacks don’t tip very well, and th ensays that he didn’t tip anything because of the poor service. As the two black men are walking down the street they come across a white politician and his wife. When the politician’s wife sees the black men coming towards them she gets closer to her husband. One of the black men noticesthis and points it out. Shortly after they pass each other the young black men steal the white couples’ car at gunpoint. The politician’s wife is really upset about being carjacked and has all of the locks in their house changed. When the locksmith comes and she sees that he is Hispanic she takes her anger out on him. The movie then shows a white LAPD officer who is trying to get medical help for his ailing father. The officeris having problems with a black clerk who won’t give the officers father permission to see another doctor. The white officer takes his frustration out on a black couple during a traffic stop and ends up sexually assaulting the woman. Next the Persian from the beginning of the movie calls the Hispanic locksmith to have him fix the lock at the shop that he owns. The Hispanic locksmith tells the Persian that he changed the lock but it wouldn’t do any good because he needs to replace the door. The Persian gets mad and tells the locksmith to fix the door and the locksmith said that he doesn’t do that, he just fixes locks. The Persian shopkeeper gets really mad about this. Shortly after this,the Persian man’s shop is robbed, and because he didn’t replace the door insurance will not cover the damage. The Persian man is extremely upset about this and blames it on the Mexican Locksmith. The white police officer has another run in with the HMO clerk. The white police officer basically tells the clerk that she only got that job because of affirmative action and that she probably beat out eightmore qualified white men for the job. He also tells her that despite the fact that his father’s janitorial service employed only black men he was forced out of business by affirmative action laws. The movie then goes to the crash where the black lady that was assaulted earlier in the movieis trapped in her car and surrounded by gasoline. It is only a matter of time before the car will explode and the first officer on the scene is the white officer who assaulted her earlier. The black lady initially tells him to go away, but he is very nice to her and ensures her that he is only trying to save her. He pulls her out of the car just before the car explodes. The movie then shows the Hispanic locksmith getting home from work, where he is then approached by the angry Persian shopkeeper, who blames him for his store being robbed and pulls a gun on him. The Hispanic locksmith’s daughter sees the gun pulled on her dad and runs in front of him just before the Persian man pulls the trigger. The shot is fired and everyone thinks the young girl has been shot, but since the Persian man’s daughter accidentally bought blanks in the beginning of themovie the young girl is fine. The movie ends with one of the young black hijackers being shot by the partner of the racist white police officer over some confusion. The first time I saw Crash my initial response was that the movie is incredibly sad. It is upsetting that so many of the racial issues we are faced with today stem from ignorance and fear. Part of me thinks this movie goes a little overboard with the racism issues in the movie because I don’t know if it is likely that so many people’s paths would cross in such a way where so many of them have such deep rooted racism and misunderstanding. It almost seems like the movie takes the racial stereotypes a little too far, but I think that was the point. It shows stereotyping and racism to an extreme and it makes you think that these peoples’ actions are ridiculous. I don’t think most of us are racist to the degree that is shown in the movie, but showing it to such an extreme really makes you aware of how ignorant racism is on any level. While the movie takes these examples to extremes, I do think a lot of the racial issues that occurred in the movie do happen on a regular basis, the movie just ties themtogether in the span of two hours to make a movie. At first I thought this was a little too much, but now I get the point of it. I really think the point of this movie was to raise awareness of the problem because awareness is a major step in the right direction towards solving the problem. One thing that stuck out to me because I’ve heard a lot about it is in the beginning of the movie when the young black men are talking about the poor service they received and that it was because of the stereotype that black people don’t tip very well. I have been dating a server for a few years, and she really isn’t racist at all, but she says this is true. She says she hates it because anytime she is serving a table of black people this stereotypegoes through her head and she hates thinking that but it’s true. I seriously doubt she is a person who would ever give them poor service because of the stereotype but I am sure that in some cases that happens. I think sometimes stereotypes are reinforced because of people’s preconceived thoughts. I am sure there are cases where a table of black people may receive poor service because the server assumes the table will tip poorly and then because the table receives poor service they probably do tip poorly, and the stereotype is reinforced. I thought the movie Crash and the book Privilege, Power, and Differencewere similar in many ways, but also very different in some ways as well. I think both the book and the movie take racial issues to extremes. I think they both do this to raise awareness of the important issues. In the book Johnson states â€Å"People can’t help fearing the unfamiliar—including people of other races† (2006, p. 4), Johnson goes on to say this isn’t necessarily true, but I think the movie tries to highlight this aspect of the problem. In the movie when the politician and his wife are walking down the street, the wife gets closer to her husband when the young black men approach because she is afraid of them. She is a person that has probably not dealt with very many you black men and sheprobably thinks that all young black men are criminals. In the movie she turns out to be right about these two menand is carjacked by them, but real life isn’t really that way. At some points I thought the movie kind of reinforced negative stereotypes like the young black men stealing the white couple’s car after she seemed racist for thinking they would do that. The book talks a lot about white racism and makes it sound as if it is white privilege that is holding back black people. I think the movie does a better job of showing racism from all aspects. The movie makes it seem like all races are racist against races other than their own, while concentrating heavily on the relationship between whites and blacks. In the movie one of the young thieves says that he would never rob a black person, and goes on and on about how white people hold black people down. Another important issue that the movie brought up is affirmative action laws. The white police officer who is dealing with the black HMO clerk brings up the issue in an argument with her. I think obviously the officer is out of line with what he says,however he brings up a pretty good point. The book goes on and on about the advantages of be â€Å"privileged†. When Johnson talks about the â€Å"privileged† he is referring to white men. Johnson says that the privileged have access to better jobs and will usually be hired instead of a black person or a woman. He is completely ignoring the affirmative action laws when he states this. Johnson states that â€Å"watching movies and television the message came across loud and clear that white men are the most important people on the planet† (2006, p. 79). I think the idea of the white man being â€Å"ideal† can be seen in the movie. When the black couple is arguing after the woman is sexually assaulted by the white police officer , the women says to her husband, you didn’t want to do anything because you didn’t want your name to be in the paper and all of your friends to know you really are black. I think she is implying to him that he hangs around with all white directors and acts white like them so that he will be more successful, but in the process has lost his â€Å"blackness†. Overall I thought both the book and the movie do a good job of raising awareness of the many racial issues that we are face with. They both take these racial issues to an extreme to make it clear that they do exist to a large extent. I thought the movie did a better job of giving a realistic portrayal of racism from all sides while the book seemed to be stuck on the concept of â€Å"white racism†. White racism† is certainly not a topic to be ignored and if you want to understand the racial issues we are faced with today it is not a bad place to start. However, the race issue runs much deeper than just white racism and can really be seen in cultures all around the world. I thought that Crash did a really good job of showing racism, and the negative affect it has in our society. Bi bliography Haggis, Paul (2004). Crash.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How satisfactory is this view of Wolsey’s position as Henry VIII’s Minister Essay

Thomas Wolsey rose from being the lowly son of a butcher, through various posts in the royal service, to become Lord Chancellor in December 1515, and remained at the pinnacle of the King’s service until his fall in October 1529. To stay in power for so long, it needs to be established whether he spent his time as a ‘servant’ to the King, or as a authority in his own right. Historian G.R.Elton stated that, ‘He had lasted so long because †¦ he knew how to promote himself, and for most of the time, he knew how to keep henry satisfied.’ Elton’s words indicate what I believe are the two main factors in studying Wolsey’s ministry – how he served the King, and how much he did for himself. It is my opinion that Wolsey, despite his plentiful policy in areas of little interest to the King like social and governmental reform, remained so prominent in the King’s service due to his ability to serve the King, allowing Henry to live life as a young ‘Renaissance Prince.’ The King also felt relatively safe giving such power to Wolsey, as he didn’t pose a threat to his throne in the way that some nobles or those of royal blood may have posed. However nature of the relationship between Henry and Wolsey was unusual, as it was not like the archetypal master-servant relationship. In some of his letters to Wolsey, Henry signed off as ‘your loving friend and master,’ or referred to hims as ‘father’ in the spiritual sense of the word. George Cavendish, a contemporary, and Wolsey’s butler said â€Å"The king displayed a most loving disposition towards him, especially as he was most earnest and readiest among all the council to advance the King’s mere will and pleasure.† The friendship seemed to work both ways, and although it has been suggested that Henry took Hampton Court by force, I am in agreement with most historians that Wolsey gave it to Henry as a gift. To judge the extent to which Wolsey did serve his ‘master,’ it is necessary to analyse Wolsey’s work, and discover the true aim behind each of his major areas of policy. In studying Wolsey’s domestic policy, one must establish Henry’s role in this area, and in particular, what he wanted done and how much of it he was willing to do himself. As Henry was not the first son of his father Henry VII, he had not received the same royal training that his older brother Arthur had done, thus he had never really developed an interest in royal domestic affairs. While Henry VII chose to rule the country himself, Henry VIII saw ruling his country as delegating jobs to other people so he could live a youthful life, spending time hunting and enjoying himself with other men of his age. His lack of interest in day-to-day administrative affairs left a void to be filled, so the arrival in the his service of someone who not only excelled in the field, but was willing to serve his every need seems to have been the main reason for the King to keep Wolsey. As Lord Chancellor, Wolsey was effectively head of the legal system. However, as I established previously, Henry’s interest in fields such as this was limited, so he gave Wolsey power to do what he pleased (but he did have to approve Wolsey’s reform before it was implemented). Wolsey became a contriver of many policies of reform in the legal system, notably with his personal service in the Court of Chancery, increasing the administering of law of equity as opposed to common law, and with his revision of the role of Star Chamber in 1516, so that it would dispense justice and oversee fairness in the legal system. The question we need to ask is how much of this was done for the King, and how much did Wolsey do of his own accord, as arguments can be established for either opinion. By sitting in on the Court of Chancery, Wolsey was taking on a lot of unnecessary extra work, and his enforcement of equity (which was seen as dangerously close to Roman Law) is evidence to suggest that Wolsey allegiance may not have only lain with Henry, but with the Pope as well. However, Wolsey himself had little or no legal training, and the work he carried out was rather early in his ministry, which suggests that is ultimate aim was to please the King by offering him exciting new plans of reform to keep him happy. Also, the work he carried out in Star Chamber was demanded of him by Henry. It is my personal opinion that Wolsey’s needed to maintain the King’s interest and appear as though he was working directly to serve the King, and this seems to have been his main priority, as this was the key to remaining in the King’s favour. Wolsey’s background lay in religion rather than in law, so it seemed that anything policy he would implement would be more likely to reflect his own personal desires, rather than as a service to the King. In 1514, he was made Archbishop of York, and in 1518, he was promoted to Papal Legate (a position which was conferred on him for life in 1524), effectively making him the most powerful man in the church. The important question is that when serving the Pope in England, would he be acting for himself (and the Pope) or his master, the King? Wolsey’s first major policy in the church was the defence of ‘Benefit of Clergy.’ In the 1515 Parliament. This itself was a bold move for Wolsey, as he had only recently been given power, and to defend something that both King and Parliament didn’t approve of meant losing popularity. Nevertheless, Wolsey knelt to Henry to assure him that his power was totally unthreatened by the church. This evidence suggests that Wolsey may not have necessarily wanted to do everything that the King wanted, and he seemed to have some power of refusal over the King himself. In the church, we also witness Wolsey’s collection of offices, wealth and power, which we can hardly regard as a service to the King. His offices included Bishop of Durham and Winchester, Abbot of St Albans (one of the richest abbeys in England), as well his previous offices as Archbishop of York, Papal Legate and Lord Chancellor, providing examples of pluralism. He even charged clergy to carry out duties which he could not fulfil, in a gross example of non-residence. He derived a huge income from all of the above while maintaining power, placing him in a unique position, and freeing him up to serve the King in other ways. One third of land in England belonged to the church, and this seemed to be the one of the few aspects of the church that Henry himself was displeased with, thus it can be said that the dissolution of 30 monasteries between 1524-9 would have theoretically been done for the King. In practice, Wolsey kept a great deal of the revenue from the monasteries, diverting it to his school in Ipswich and his college at Oxford. Social reform was one of the areas of domestic policy that least concerned the King, so it seems likely that most of Wolsey’s action in this field would not be in service to the King. His attempt to reduce the injustice of ‘enclosures’ and ‘engrossing’ via the Enclosure Commission of 1517-9 was clearly of little consequence to the King, and was more likely to be an area of policy where the King gave Wolsey freedom to implement his own policy. The fact that Wolsey carried out policies for which there is little evidence of any involvement on Henry’s part suggests that Wolsey may have been more than just a servant to Henry. Wolsey’s immense activity in financial policy corresponds with Henry’s desire for money to carry out foreign expeditions against the French. The Act of Resumption of 1515, the Subsidies of 1513-5 and 1523, the Forced Loan of 1523 all reduced his popularity, but managed to quench Henry’s desire for money. However, Wolsey was seen to go one step too far to please his master in 1525, in asking for the Amicable Grant, while the forced loan of 1523 was still being collected. The country reached a state of near-rebellion, and more serious disturbances occurred in London, East Anglia and Kent. It was at this stage when the relationship between Henry and Wolsey faced its first major attack, and Henry blamed the whole fiasco on Wolsey to save himself. Wolsey himself had largely been opposed to his attempts to raise extra revenue for the King, yet he had been acting as the King’s servant, doing his bidding. To Henry, Wolsey was to act as a scapegoat in situations wh ere things went wrong. The other area of domestic policy in which conflict arose between Henry and Wolsey was in the Eltham Ordinances of 1526. Wolsey had been struggling to eliminate those who may have influenced the King. In 1518, he had attempted to expel Henry’s ‘minions’ or ‘young favourites,’ but his ‘governmental reform’ as he called it, was reversed by Henry, indicating some tension, but more importantly indicating to Wolsey that he could not consider overpowering the King. It was in the Ordinances of 1526 that Wolsey again went too far. In another bout of governmental reform, he was able to reduce the number of ‘Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber’ from 12 to 6, and he removed enemies such as William Compton, the ‘groom of the stool.’ The resultant lack of advisors around Henry angered him, and he was well aware that Wolsey was the cause of his seclusion. Wolsey had emerged as a competent organiser during the 1512-3 French campaign, and also organised the peace with France in 1514, proving himself to Henry as effective in diplomacy as well. Clearly, Henry was a king who sought glory, and was full of dynastic ambition. He wanted England to be as influential in European affairs as it had been in the time of Henry V. His jealousy of his French rival, Francis I meant that he would be seeking alliances against his traditional opponent. Wolsey on the other hand was a man of humanist tendencies, sought glory in diplomacy through his desire to become the ‘peacemaker of Europe.’ The Venetian Ambassador at the time stated that â€Å"Nothing pleases him more than to be called the arbiter of the affairs of Christendom.† In 1516, Henry wanted to renew his campaign against the French alongside the new leader of Spain, Charles V, but Wolsey managed to convince him to join a coalition against French action in Italy instead. Henry clearly trusted Wolsey sufficiently to trust his advice in this are, indicating that he held more importance than that of just a servant. One aspect of Henry’s personal policy is also revealing at this stage as to his relationship with Wolsey. In 1518, Pope Leo X was expressing some concern as to the advance of the Ottoman Empire into Europe, and sent cardinals around Europe to organise a unification of Christendom against them. Henry used his desperation to his advantage, refusing entry to Cardinal Campeggio, the embassy, unless Wolsey was made ‘legate a latere’ (papal legate), to which the Pope agreed. In this action, Henry can be seen to have depended somewhat on Wolsey, as he was essential to Henry in maintaining some degree of control over the church in England. Wolsey, seeing an opportunity to fulfil his personal aims, took diplomatic control of the Pope’s mission, and turned it into an international peace conference of more than 20 countries in London. The resultant Treaty Of London was signed in October 1518, and served as a great achievement for Wolsey. It not only brought together the great powers of Europe in a ‘universal and perpetual peace,’ but also put England at the centre of European affairs. More importantly, Wolsey had not needed to compromise the wishes of his master to achieve his role of peacemaker, as the treaty also allowed England’s standing in Europe to improve, which was one of Henry’s major priorities. Wolsey carried out more diplomacy to serve the King two days later, in an Anglo-French treaty in which a marriage between the Dauphin and Henry’s daughter Princess Mary was proposed. Henry was getting his most important desires fulfilled, and foreign affairs seemed to be going exceptionally well for Henry and Wolsey, until the death of the Holy Roman Emperor Maximillian, which saw Charles V become the new emperor, and imminent conflict between the newly strengthened Charles and F rancis I, would see the destruction of the glorious Treaty of London. In 1520, Wolsey’s service to his King in foreign policy continued, and faced with both sides of the conflict courting the support of England, he organised the splendorous meeting between Francis and Henry at the Field of the Cloth of Gold, which would have seemed like the beginning of a grand peace between the two countries. However, Wolsey had to sacrifice his role as peacemaker to appease Henry’s desire to benefit from the inevitable war, and at the Treaty of Bruges in August 1521, Wolsey served the King’s cause further by providing the possibility that Charles may marry the 8 yr old Princess Mary who Henry desperately wanted to marry off. The war itself provided no real success for England, and only further marginalized England as a minor power in Europe. Against Wolsey’s desire, Henry wanted to fight on during 1523, and Wolsey was obliged to carry out his duty, in the way that any ‘servant’ would, and England only met further wartime embar rassment. Despite Henry’s hopes of campaigning in 1524, Wolsey managed to convince Henry otherwise, and in the following year, Wolsey took the bold step of instigating a peace with France, and the Treaty of the More was signed in August 1525, and now, a force to face the might of Charles had begun. Wolsey began to slip back into his comfortable role as peacemaker, orchestrating the League of Cognac between France and the Papal States (Wolsey made England abstain from joining, so that England remained peaceful). Another Wolsey-organised treaty was made in April 1527 between France and England in the Treaty of Westminster, which declared perpetual Anglo-French peace, promised Francis’ second son to Princess Mary and threatened Charles with war if he didn’t join the peace. England was back at the forefront of English politics, thanks to Wolsey’s redemption from Henry’s war failures. However, this grew inconsequential, and just as Wolsey done what Henry wanted in foreign affairs, Henry’s desire for divorce grew urgent. Wolsey could reasonably expect to stay in power as long as he kept carrying out the King’s wishes, and despite his unpopularity and court faction working against him, it is clear that his inability to get Henry his divorce led to his downfall. Henry’s new love Anne Boleyn managed to convince Henry that Wolsey had no use any more – he couldn’t get a divorce and he hadn’t secured the King’s succession. In general, his ‘service’ was no longer required, and historian John Guy concludes that â€Å"Wolsey was destroyed because he had become a liability in the eyes of the king and was expendable. This has fundamental implications for reassessing his relationship with Henry.† Guy is correct is saying that this sheds new light on the nature of the relationship between the two men, and suddenly, Henry’s regard for Wolsey as a ‘loving friend’ became trivial. This essay has been able to establish that the majority of Wolsey’s policy was executed in service to the King. Wolsey may have acted for his own interest in certain areas such as the church and social reform, but this was only because of Henry’s lack on interest in the fields, and the trust that he placed in Wolsey’s service. I am therefore able to conclude that theoretically, Wolsey was the ‘King’s Servant.’ However, I say theoretically, because although Wolsey was a servant to Henry in his actions, the image created by the word seems to extreme for Wolsey. I believe that the relationship between Henry and Wolsey was strong and full of friendship when Wolsey did what was required of him. In reality, everyone in the kingdom was a servant to the King, and many people wanted to serve him more to gain more influence. In light of this, although he was a servant, it appears to me that the word ‘servant’ underestimates the immense of power that he had, despite the fact that the power was given to him by the King, and many other more complimentary words can be used to describe the importance of Wolsey to the King. Nevertheless Wolsey, as a minister, remained a servant to Henry throughout his time in power, and devoted the majority of his policy to the King’s service.